Fairway School is committed to providing high-quality learning experiences that lead to a consistently high level of pupil progress for all. Emphasis is placed on developing the core skills of speaking and listening, reading, writing and mathematics. We believe we have a duty to ensure that children become literate and numerate as early in their education as possible. At Fairway, we aim for morning sessions to be devoted to the teaching of key English and Mathematics skills. Children are assessed regularly for English and Mathematics and (where possible) this information is used to place them into small groups according to individual learning levels that may cross traditional age group settings. In this way, pupils receive focused teaching specifically matched to their current learning levels. These groups are organised across the school and trained staff are effectively deployed to support the delivery of the school’s English and Mathematics curriculums. This means that pupils are often taught in groups that are significantly smaller than the average class size
We aim to deliver a lively, creative curriculum to challenge and motivate our children and enable them to participate in a range of high-quality learning opportunities. We have a thematic approach to learning. Our curriculum is mapped out to ensure comprehensive coverage of national expectations. We aim to develop children’s knowledge and understanding systematically, as well as identified skills. Our topics provide a rich menu of exciting and motivating learning activities that make creative links between all aspects of our children’s learning. We believe children learn better when they are encouraged to use their imagination and apply their learning to engaging contexts. Our curriculum provides lots of memorable learning challenges that require children to solve problems, apply themselves creatively and express their knowledge and understanding effectively across the curriculum, as well as showcase and celebrate their achievements.
Attainment and progress is analysed throughout the academic year. Class teachers and members of the SLT meet formally four times a year for attainment and progress review meetings. During these meetings whole cohorts and individuals are discussed in order to; set targets, identify children who may need additional support, discuss target children and monitor the impact of interventions. Attainment and progress review meetings are driven by teacher knowledge of the children, assessment outcomes, children’s books and outcomes of the SLT cycle of monitoring.
The majority of children at Fairway make good or better progress. Teachers have a good understanding of the children’s needs, attainment and progress within their class and are able to effectively plan learning accordingly. Staff work collaboratively to ensure that targeted children receive the support they need, particularly for English and Mathematics.