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    Governors at Fairway School & Children’s Centre come from many different backgrounds and have a range of skills and expertise. They both challenge and support the school to ensure that every child is given the opportunity to reach their full potential. 

    The Governing Body is made up of staff, parent, co-opted and local authority Governors.

    The Governing Board has three core functions:

    • Making sure the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction;
    • Holding the headteacher to account for the performance of the school and its pupils; and
    • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

    To make sure the Governors achieve these aims, they work in partnership with the headteacher and staff, supporting activities and help the school respond to the needs of pupils, parents and the community. Governors do not intervene in the day-to-day management of the school.

    The Chair of Governors has a close working relationship with the headteacher and they meet regularly.

    The Governing Board has three committees that meet once a term and these committees report to the Full Governing Board.

    The role of the committees includes:

    The Finance, Resources and Staffing Committee

    • has an oversight of expenditure, income and budget monitoring;
    • ensures ‘best value’ is maintained when making financial decisions;
    • links the school priorities identified in the school improvement plan to the budget; 
    • ensures that staffing is in line with educational standards, meets the needs of the school and considers affordability;
    • supports the recruitment of new staff;
    • plans ahead to identify potential pressures on the budget.


    The Curriculum. Standards & Welfare Committee

    • ensures that the teaching is adapted to meet the needs of Fairway pupils;
    • ensures that the school's curriculum is broad and balanced;
    • ensure that the teaching standards are monitored and supported by senior leadership team;
    • ensures that pupils' attainment and progress is being monitored; including those in receipt of pupil premium and those working at greater depth;   
    • ensures the SENDs provision supports children with additional needs;
    • ensures that curriculum policies are reviewed and reflect practice;
    • ensures that the pupils, staff and wider communities emotional wellbeing is being met and support is available if required.      

    The Joint Premises and IT Committee 

    • works alongside Northway School who share the site;
    • monitors building maintenance ensuring the learning environment is fit for purpose;
    • reviews and scrutinises building risk assessments, including the monitoring of accidents and incidents;  
    • provides support and advice when prioritising planned work;
    • reviews building/site maintenance contracts;     
    • ensures health & safety requirements are met;
    • ensures annual inspections are undertaken;
    • supports planned IT upgrades;
    • develops new ways of working utilising technology.  

    In addition to the above-mentioned committee meetings, The Chairs of Committees meet termly to discuss items that are shared priorities.

    Fairway has named Governors with additional responsibilities including; Safeguarding, Health & Safety, Subject Leads, Inclusion, Children’s Centre and the Induction of New Governors.   

    All Governors meet once a term at the Full Governing Board meeting. A list of the Governing Board meeting dates for this academic year can be found here on our website.

    Governors receive regular training and will often visit the school as part of their role.

    All Governors are required to read and sign the Governors Code of Conduct, declare any pecuniary interests and complete a skills matrix.

    If you have any queries regarding governance, please do not hesitate to contact Andy Whiting, Chair of Governors, through the school office.

    Key Governance Documents 2022-23

    Our Governors:

  • Andy Whiting: Co-Chair of Governors

    Responsibilities: Chair, Induction Governor, Chair of Joint Premises & IT Committee, Chair of Headteacher's Appraisal Committee.

    Governance roles in other schools: None

    Relevant Bussiness. Financial & Pecuniary Interests: Works for Local Authority

    Any Relationships with School Staff: None

    My relationship with Fairway School & Children's Centre started in 1997. I have had the privilege of experiencing the wonderful day-to-day life of the school in various roles. With over 24 years of experience, I have a great affinity and passion for the school.

    I currently work for the Local Authority in the capacity of Early Years & Primary Service Manager - Barnet Early Help service.

    As Chair of Governors, I am committed to supporting the Headteacher, staff and the wider community. Together we will prioritise the love of learning and strive to provide children with the best start in life.

  • Rebecca Summer: Co-Chair of Governors

    Responsibilities: Joint Premises & IT Committee

    Governance roles in other schools: None

    Relevant Bussiness. Financial & Pecuniary Interests: Yes

    Any Relationships with School Staff: No

    I am a former primary school teacher having taught in a variety of primary schools in Barnet. I now work as an Educational Consultant for a company called 2Simple which produces software and resources for teachers and children.  I have also worked in the IT industry as a computer programmer. My work brings me into regular professional contact with teachers from a variety of schools nationally and internationally to support them in what they are doing in their schools. I have a particular interest in the use of technology in school, in well-being including good mental health for children and teachers and in using best practices and innovation to support every child as an individual to reach their potential. I am a parent of three children who attend schools in Barnet and Brent. I am excited to use my professional and personal knowledge and experience to support Fairway school and the community in its aims and ambitions.

  • Simon Lister: Co-opted Governor

    Responsibilities: Chair of Curriculum, Standards & Welfare Committee, Inclusion & Safeguarding.

    Governance roles in other schools: Associate Governor at MMK

    Relevant Bussiness. Financial & Pecuniary Interests: None

    Any Relationships with School Staff: None

    A secondary school history teacher with 20 years of experience. I have worked as a special educational needs coordinator. It is a huge responsibility and also a privilege to work every day helping young people overcome their learning needs as well as supporting their families.

    I have served on 2 other governing boards. It is our responsibility as governors to ensure that our students are safe and will achieve and succeed. I have developed the skills and expertise to make a difference to Fairway and I look forward to working hard to support the journey that will quickly make our school a truly outstanding one. 

  • Ann Zinkin: Co-opted Governor

    Responsibilities: Finance, Resources & Staffing Committee, Headteacher's Appraisal Committee.

    Governance roles in other schools: Governor at Hillel Wolfson Primary School.

    Relevant Bussiness. Financial & Pecuniary Interests: None

    Any Relationships with School Staff: None

    I was previously Chair of Governors at Barnet and Southgate College of Further Education. I have served as a Councillor for the London Borough of Enfield for 12 years. I was a cabinet member for Communications and Media. 

    As a Councillor, I served as a Governor on both Junior and Secondary Schools.

  • Ian Stewart: Co-opted Governor

    Responsibilities: Vice-Chair of Governing Board & Chair of Finance, Resources & Staffing Committee. Sports & Pupil Premium.

    Governance roles in other schools: None

    Relevant Bussiness. Financial & Pecuniary Interests: None

    Any Relationships with School Staff: None

    I am a qualified accountant and am currently a Chief Operating Officer of a Charity. I have previously been a Head of Finance and Premises in a Secondary Academy within the Borough of Barnet.

  • Michael Reilly: Staff Governor

    Responsibilities: Joint Premises / IT Committee & Curriculum, Standards & Welfare Committee.

    Governance roles in other schools: None

    Relevant Bussiness. Financial & Pecuniary Interests: None

    Any Relationships with School Staff: Yes

    I am very proud to be a member of the Fairway Team. I have worked at the school since 2017 and am currently a class-based Assistant Headteacher. I hold additional responsibilities including English Lead, IT Co-ordinator, Deputy Safeguarding Lead and Educational Visit Co-ordinator.

    I have a keen interest in IT and its use within the classroom to enhance learning and am currently undertaking the NASENco award; an area of education I am passionate about.

  • Amina Abukar: Parent Governor

    Responsibilities: Joint Premises & IT Committee.

    Governance roles in other schools: None

    Relevant Bussiness. Financial & Pecuniary Interests: None

    Any Relationships with School Staff: Yes

    I am a Registered Nurse currently working as a paediatric nurse in the City and have lived in Barnet for 4 years. I have always enjoyed working with children in the health sector and look forward to contributing to the ongoing success of Fairway as a parent governor.

    I am passionate about equality and will be a strong advocate for each child at Fairway to ensure all our children reach their full potential.

  • Andrew-John Patterson: Co-opted Governor

    Responsibilities: Curriculum, Standards & Welfare Committee.

    Governance roles in other schools: None

    Relevant Bussiness. Financial & Pecuniary Interests: Yes

    Any Relationships with School Staff: No

    Having been a headteacher in the private sector and a teacher in the public sector, I’ve worked in both primary and secondary education for 30 years.
    I currently run catch-up tuition services in North London and am motivated by every child experiencing an education where they feel safe and successful, and will develop a love for learning.

  • Joseph Piper: Parent Governor

    Responsibilities: Finance, Resources & Staffing Committee.

    Governance roles in other schools: None

    Relevant Bussiness. Financial & Pecuniary Interests: None

    Any Relationships with School Staff: No

    Joseph Piper (Joe) is a parent governor at Fairway School and joined Fairway Governor's board in November 2021. He has 2 children at Fairway and works as a paediatric doctor, both clinically and also on research-based at Queen Mary University of London. He researches child malnutrition in Zimbabwe and previously lived there for a year. He is part of the finance sub-committee.

  • Cllr Lachhya Bahadur Gurung: Local Authority Governor

    Responsibilities: Joint Premises & IT Committee

    Governance roles in other schools: None

    Relevant Bussiness. Financial & Pecuniary Interests: None

    Any Relationships with School Staff: No

    Cllr Lachhya Bahadur Gurung was born in Nepal. He is a former Gurkha who joined the British Army in 1980 and trained as a Radio Telegraphist in the Signals Regiment, having served in many countries around the World,  he retired after 18 years of distinguished service in the rank of Staff Sergeant in 1998. In recognition of his exemplary Service to the British Crown, he was awarded a Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (LSGC) in 1995.

    He has been living in the UK on and off since 1984 and has been permanently living in Barnet since 2005. By profession, he is a businessman. He ran a cash-and-carry business for a decade and currently, he is a part-time property investor as well as a part-time Nepali interpreter. He is a Community leader. He chaired the Burnt Oak Nepalese Community for 4 years from 2010 to 2014. He has been working tirelessly for the community as well as for the newly arrived former Gurkhas and their families to settle in the UK. He also helped promote community integration and cohesion by engaging with the activities of diverse local communities. Cllr Gurung was also awarded the BARNET CIVIC AWARD IN 2012 by the London Borough of Barnet in recognition of his outstanding contribution towards promoting communal harmony and collective spirit through community engagement.

    Cllr Gurung was first elected to the Barnet Council from Hale ward in May 2018 & re-elected from Edgwarebury Ward in 2022. Cllr Gurung was appointed Deputy Mayor of the Borough from 2019 to 2021. He did serve on Community Leadership & Libraries, Licensing committee, Hendon Residents Forum and an Armed Forces Representative for the Borough in the previous administration. He currently serves on Planning Committee B and Corporate Parenting Advisory Panel.

    He is associated with many charitable and non-charitable organisations. He is a trustee to Tang Ting Twinning Association. Advisor to Non-Resident Nepali Association UK, Tamu (Gurung) Dhee Association UK, Yeti Nepali Association, Burnt Oak Nepalese Community London, Buddhist Community UK London branch and Tang Ting Community UK.

  • Maggie Hill: Co-opted Governor

    Responsibilities: Curriculum, Standards & Welfare Committee Committee

    Governance roles in other schools: None

    Relevant Bussiness. Financial & Pecuniary Interests: Works for Local Authority

    Any Relationships with School Staff: No

    I have lived and worked in Barnet for 30 years and have a long-established relationship with Fairway School having worked as a teacher in the children’s centre for 5 years. I currently work as an early year’s advisory teacher, supporting early years settings across the borough. I am passionate about promoting early years as I have seen the difference a good start in life can have upon outcomes for children later, throughout their school years and beyond. I am really looking forward to working with the governing body and hope my knowledge of early years and passion for the children’s centre will be beneficial to the whole community. I am married with two grown up daughters who both attended local schools in Barnet. I am a dedicated reader, love visiting the cinema, theatre, walking and try to keep fit in my spare time.

Key Governance Documents & Publications

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