Admission Arrangements
Is your child 3 Years of Age?
For more information on our Nursery Class click - Nursery Booklet
School Nursery (3 to 5th birthday year)
In our nursery we can offer part-time placement for up to 26 pupils. Children attend either in the mornings or in the afternoons. Admission to the nursery is from the age of three.
Parents can place their child's name on the waiting list after his/her second birthday. Placement on the waiting list does not indicate that a place will be offered or that any priority for admission is given. The school will contact parents if they are offered a place. We have a Nursery Booklet which contains all the information you will need. Click here to register interest for a nursery place.
Is your child of primary school age?
Primary School
The statutory age for children starting school is the beginning of the term after their 5th birthday. However, at Fairway all children can start full-time (9:00am-3:25pm) in the reception class in the academic year they are 5 years old.
If you wish your child to start in Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 or Year 6 at Fairway School, you must apply for a place at Barnet:
For all other admission arrangements for this school, please contact Barnet Admissions through the link above.
We have a Prospectus which you may wish to look at.