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Online Safety

If you are a child and want to contact someone call 0800 1111 or visit Childline.org.uk

Click on the image 'Safety' below to access the Children's Zone

online safety(1)


Please click on the link above for more information on how to stay safe online during the school closure.

safer internet day(1)

Tuesday 9th February - Safer Internet Day 2021

Please click on the link above for more information on how to stay safe online. 

Age 18 (or 13 with permission):

YouTube, Flickr, Keek

Age 16:


Age 13:

Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Reddit, Tumblr, Google+, Pinterest, TikTok and Discord

e-safety image

Search the Internet safely

Use either of the browsers below to safely search the Internet with Children.



be smart

At Fairway School

On this page you will find websites to look at to help make sure you are safe online.

We all use the internet, laptops, mobile phones, DSi's, PSP's and lots more in our every day life.

They are great to use but we must make sure we use them safely. We at Fairway are part of the LGFL Schools Trustnet. The school uses a secure method of filtering to protect our children from the dangers on the Internet. Please click on the link 'Appropriate Filtering for Education settings' to find out more.

Children remember, if you ever come across something in the online world that makes you feel upset or worried, let an adult know.

Games and staying safe online 

A Parents guide to Fortnite - Battle Royale

Fortnite is a popular online game, which includes Battle Royale, where players do not have to pay to play. In Battle Royale, 100 players compete against each other to be the last person standing in player vs player (PVP) combat. Users play against people of different ages from across the world, and can talk and interact with each other as they play through the in-game chat feature. Understandably, this carries significant online safety risks. Due to the frequent scenes of mild violence, Fortnite is not suitable for persons under 12 years of age.

For more information, visit: https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/search/node/fortnite


Useful Sites

Please click on the 'CEOP' for more information on Internet Safety.

Click on the 'Thinkuknow' image to read the report.

You can also get useful information from the following websites :-




If you are a child and want to contact someone call 0800 1111



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